This has been a rollercoaster week. The weather on Tuesday was 80 degrees and now we are experiencing a couple of days with temps in the 30's and 40's. Monday we lost a hen, no signs of why, the day before she was fine and no one else has had any signs of an issue. On Tuesday one of my amazing neighbors broke up my garden spot for me with his tractor. There is no way the tiller would have touched this plot because in the past it had horses on it so the ground was pretty packed. This was perfect timing because now with the cooler weather it should kill off some of the weeds that were in there but it is great because the clover had really gone nuts with the burst of warm weather and so now that is buried up in the soil. I plan to spread some composted horse manure across it before we till it in which should help really prepare the soil for planting. I am giddy with Spring on it's way, only a little over a week til it is officially here.

Daniel's blood sugars always get crazy with the changing of the seasons, the last couple of days have been absolutely nuts. Usually Spring brings many lows for him but he has been going through the roof, tricky disease that diabetes just when you think you get it, you realize you don't. He is so thrilled with the idea that baby chicks will be here soon. The kids are really looking forward to getting to know the new babies.