Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our Snow Angel

This is the most snow we have seen since moving to Redbud. It is pretty, the kids like being out of school, but I am ready for Spring! I love that we are moving into February, the month I get to start planting indoors to transplant into the garden after the last frost. The hens are not so much happy with the white stuff everywhere but the dogs love it.

During morning chores Sarah decided to make snow angels and Sunny was leaping around like a wild thing. Sunshine loves the cooler weather and really has herself a time, especially when the kids are out there to play with her or just to watch her and give her attention.

So this is Sarah. Her main chore is to collect the eggs. She has learned the hard way that you can't run with the basket and that eggs ARE certainly fragile. When we sell our eggs the label usually says Gathered by Sarah, so if you are a customer and you wonder who is collecting your eggs, this is her.

Well, back to plotting and figuring for Spring. Stay warm and have a beautiful evening.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Birds

It was a snowy afternoon here on Redbud. The chickens are less than thrilled with the lack of green treats and even less impressed with having to do their bathing in the hen house. Our little ladies are finally learning that yelling at me really changes nothing. The big girls could have told them this a long time ago. Now they sort of grumble and look at me in much the same way as a disgruntled teenager.
As I type this it is sleeting and snowing outside. The girls will be even more excited about things when we let them out in the morning. NOT. The upside is that they are laying really well, maybe out of boredom I am not really sure. There is someone in the big girls house that is laying her eggs on the floor in protest. I have not figured out who it is but she will learn soon enough that it does not work.