Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Three Weeks

Our little ladies are three weeks old already. Their feathers are really coming in all over and they look pretty ragged. They love to test their wings and try to be the highest chicken in the group. Everyone in the family has taken part in naming some of the girls and each person has claimed one or two. There is one in particular that I have become very fond of, her name is Rosie. Rosie is a spitfire. Every single time I get near her she attacks me, or thinks she is doing so. I just pick her up and love on her and then she becomes calm. After that if I come in contact with another chick, Rosie attacks them. She is fearless and full of attitude.

Soon we will have to switch over to the hanging feeders. At the moment they are using the long red trays that have holes for them to stick their heads in to eat. These are great because they can't scratch the food everywhere. The problem is that when they are scratching the litter, they throw it into the feeders and cover the food. Then they act like they have no idea where the food is. I clean it out quite often and everytime they act like they have never eaten before. I think these girls wake up in a new world every day.

Daniel is amazed at how much the chicks have grown in such a short amount of time. He always checks on them as soon as he gets home from school and if he hears them chatting a little loudly he makes sure to see what is going on. He gets frustrated because he is a bit clumsy in his handling of them, but they are forgiving souls and seem to love him anyway. He loves when they sit on his shoulder or even when they fly up on his head. Zelda is still his favorite and I think that no matter what she turns out to be, she won't be one that goes to the fair. Looks like Zelda will be the one bird who will have immunity and live out her life here under Daniel's care. He connected with her right away because she is the only one who is solid red. He says she is different just like him. They are both very special and bring wonderful things to their respective flocks.

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