This is Sunshine, or Sunny. She is technically Sarah's dog but she loves us all. We adopted her and Dixie from the animal shelter shortly after moving here to Redbud. They have been total blessings to our family. Sunny is a Border Collie/Terrier mix and she loves to herd things, anything and everything. We keep her chained up because she likes to herd cars. This actually works out well though because she can stay cool in the barn or lay out in the grass, she has plenty of leash to roam and romp and she loves jumping through the window in the barn. The best thing is that since she is a herder and NEEDS to have something to herd and guard, she is next to the chicken run. She protects the girls and even though they are inside wire and can't get away, she thinks she is keeping them together. At any given time you will see her sitting or laying at the corner of the run, like in the picture, watching them and feeling like she is doing her job.
This is Dixie. We are not sure exactly what she is and I don't think she does either. Sometimes she thinks she is a cat, sometimes a goat, you just never know with this one. We originally chose her to be Daniel's dog. We thought maybe we could train her to be an alert dog for Daniel's diabetes. She has a good sniffer but she is dumb as a rock. Actually Sunshine has alerted Daniel on several occasions that he was low, but Dixie, not so much. We love her just the same. She is a funny, funny dog. We could let her roam loose but it makes Sunny jealous, so it is just easier to keep her chained up too. If you are having a tough day, Dixie is the one to cheer you up even when she doesn't intend to do so.
Fall is here and the trees are starting to turn. I love this time of year, nature is going to sleep but not without a colorful goodnight message.
Well, the garden is about gone, the canning is done, so I guess other than some fall plantings and transplants it is time to move indoors for some projects. I have a quilt top to get quilted. Daniel is wanting his blanket to be made. I need to finish the hole I cut for Sarah's closet and varnish the wall I uncovered. I have already started some crochet projects in the evenings.
Here is one of my latest crochet projects. I just finished it a few days ago. This thing is loooong, the leg part alone is about 33". I used Black and Cream yarns, it is cute.
The next one I did was this polka-dotted stocking. I thought it would be cool to alternate the color order on each of the circles but now I think it would have been better to do them all the same.
I can't wait to start planning Spring. I want to turn the back porch into a temporary green house so we can get a head start on the garden. The plantings and doo-dads for my family roots project went rather well this year, I can't wait to add to them. I have started my bottle tree but it looks a bit ragged yet so as I get it to where it needs to be I will add pictures of that. I want to research fruit and nut trees that work in this area. We have a black walnut tree out back near the creek that has furnished us with quite a few nuts this year. I know everything will come together in time but I am so anxious to get everything up and running. =)
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