Thursday, April 29, 2010


Lots of changes going on and I am not just talking weather. The babies look dreadful because they have hit that stage where they look half naked while trying to grow in all those beautiful big girl feathers. There are some definite personalities in this group of girls! I don't think these will be as easily frightened as the last flock, while they are a bit high strung they are also fiercely inquisitive.

We combined the other two flocks. It was not pretty at first, at all. They have however calmed down and started dealing with each other so maybe they have the pecking order back under control. First we put bands on all the oldest girls legs, with the exception of Zelda and Fuzzy. Now when it comes time for the oldest to move out, we know who is who for sure. Zelda is still not happy about all the new kids in her space but she is hanging in there for us.

Well, there is lots to do while the rain is away so I will update soon with new pictures, until then...Have a great day!

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