Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

March is skipping along and Spring is here. The last couple of days it has been dry and in the 80's, link that with the kids being on Spring break and you have me getting a lot done outside. Blue mowed the grass for the first time this year on Sunday. Oh the smell of wild onions that permeates the air when we mow. I have started tilling the garden and preparing it for planting. Everything is really greening up and getting busy outside, where it has been sleepy and bare for what seems like forever.

Today I did the Spring cleaning on the little girls hen house. I had dug up the run yesterday for them so they did not mind being shut out of the house for a bit, they were busy taking baths in the freshly turned dirt. I love watching them take dirt baths. The kids helped me move all the "compost" that came out of the hen house to it's place of aging. I do the deep litter method in the winter so there was quite a bit to move.

Our baby chicks should arrive mid April and there is a lot to be done before they get here. I have a bunch of birds to process and looks like I will be doing it alone so it will take a bit of time. Then the house and run will need to be cleaned out, disinfected and set up for the new arrivals. It is so cool when we get the new babies, they are so sweet.

There is a very long list of projects to get done and I am excited it is time to get them going. I will be posting my to do list and the progress here, it helps serve to keep me accountable and on time. ; ) Well for now, back to it.

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