Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Good Day

We made it through our first day without losing a baby chick. Yea! Everyone appears healthy and full of spunk, even the runt is doing well. Last night we introduced Tub #2 to a feeder. Oh my how everyone was scared of the metal monster. They were pushing each other into it, hesitating and then running across it as fast as their little legs would take them, but not eating from it. After a while of walking around it, over it and looking from afar, someone got brave and took a chance. Once one was eating from it they all took to it, monkey see, monkey do.
They no sooner got over the trauma of the feeder before we were uprooting them again. We introduced pine litter into both tubs to replace the paper and paper towels they were using. This time there was no trauma, they were having a ball. There was lots of playing going on last night, it was like kids in the first snow of winter.

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