Thursday, March 24, 2011

Painting On A Rainy Day

Yesterday was one of those Spring storm kind of days. The only things that got done outside was normal chores and getting fresh bedding put into Lou's house. His girls are laying a clutch but not sure they have any ideas about trying to hatch them. We shall see I guess.

Since it was an indoor day I decided to paint the bedroom. It was slow going because it is a darker color which called for two coats and I had no way of clearing the room so we were working around the furniture. There is a small section still to paint but it means moving the bed so I saved that part for today. It looks like a whole new room and I am very happy with the color.

The nasty storms moved through last night and brought the chilly weather behind it. We will have to cover some of the flowers outside tonight to protect them from frost. Hopefully this will be the end of any frost for the year.

Well, today is my son's birthday so I should finish up my painting so I can spend some time with the kiddos. Hope everyone has a fun and productive day. ; )

1 comment:

meanderings said...

I just found this - and love it!