The big girls are really enjoying the weather lately. There were a couple of days that I took them frozen bottles but overall it has been nice. They have been busy dust bathing and reveling in all the abundant clover and greens we have been picking and throwing in the run. There is enough daylight now that I removed the light from the hen house and they are doing great. The last few days we have been getting 17 eggs a day from 18 hens. The new henhouse is coming along and I love that we are taking our time and thinking through possible troubles so that it is very caretaker and hen friendly. It won't be long and they will be in their new digs.

The babies are all doing great. Tub #1 all seem to be very healthy and really growing by leaps and bounds. Well with the exception of Gilda who does not get in a hurry for anything. We actually moved her to Tub #2 yesterday because of her size. Her sisters were not picking on her, they actually protect her but they are so large and are rambunctious, I did not want to take any chances. Gilda has settled in with Tub #2 quite well and they all seem happy to have her there.

The egg business has been booming. Last week we sold 13 dozen eggs! Those babies better hurry and get with the program fast. ; ) The garden is taking shape as well, thanks to the kindness of a neighbor. My plan was to use the entire arena this year instead of the corner I used last year. The problem I ran into is that this ground has been an arena for years and was packed tight. My neighbor was kind enough to break the ground for me with his tractor and then disc it as well. That certainly saved me a lot of work. So we have it broke into sections and already have one section planted. I am in the process of raking rock out of the beds in order to get the rest planted. We made a path that forms a plus sign and put down thick layered paper first and then the rocks that get raked out of the beds are going on top of the paper, in hopes of forming a weed barrier. The outer edges of the arena could not be broken up because of the fence so we will be building raised beds to plant things like Asparagus and Artichokes that are perrenials. One side of the fence will be a bed for climbers like cucumbers and gourds.
Soon it will be time to start planting the sunflower houses for Sarah and Daniel. The houses will be connected by a hall raised from broom corn. The sunflowers will be mixed with Indian corn and we are deciding on some pretty flowers to dress up the walkways.
On the back of the property we are going to try our hand at growing some popcorn. I really hope it works out because how fun for the kids to pop popcorn they raised themselves. Since we are doing a lot of companion planting to keep down on chemicals a lot of the herbs will be mixed in with the vegetables but I think there are a few we will still plant in a bed off the patio as well.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will be back with an update as to what we have accomplished hopefully on Monday.
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