Friday, April 24, 2009

Learning to Fly

In tub #1 we have a runt, well now she has a name. My husband has claimed her to be Gilda. She is named after Gilda Radner from Saturday Night Live, he wanted to name her Clark but since she is a girl, well it really did not fit. Gilda is small but feisty. I don't know if you can tell by the picture here but she is literally half the size of the others.

The girls are all really starting to get their wing feathers and they know it. They spend hours trying to fly. They fly at each other's head, they run-fly and they even try jumping on top of the water while flapping their wings. None of this is successful yet but it won't be long.

Hey look, it is the Charlie's Angels pose. They are a force to be reckoned with.
Can you see how many feathers they have in this picture?

It is easier to see on Saria, although she is a little ahead of everyone else.

Tub #2 is full of characters. They are almost a week behind tub #1 but they too are starting to get some wing feathers.
Here is Boo and Nelly posing for the camera. They are so sweet, even though they are rough on each other.

We still have 25, 15 from the original batch and all 10 replacements. This is the last day of antibiotics for the first tub and everyone seems to be really thriving. Now if we can just finish their new home so they have some space.

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